DCS Special Projects For Your Abnormal Loads

DCS Special projects where involved in the placement of a switch room in the rural Worcestershire country side from start to finish. This particular job started in Leicester and involved the crews assisting Leicester Heavy Haulage on moving the switch room out of site and along its route to Worcestershire, the switch room due to the tight location alongside the railway was required to be loaded on a 10 axle bogie with a drawbar hitch connection to the 4 axle MAN.
After leaving the M5 motorway the special project crew was joined by one of our escorts who assisted in winding the load down through the twisting lanes to the railways site. On arrival at the special projects crews steersman was put to work alongside Leicester heavy haulage’s steersman and tasked with getting the load in to the jacking position. The two steersman where necessary as the 10 axle bogie has to be steered at both ends commonly known as a counter steering trailer. The two steersman and the lorry driver all communicate using radios steering the load in to position with millimetre accuracy.
The load was then unchained and the jacking teams then got to work jacking the switch room up to a position so that the trailer could be pulled from underneath and the wrapped up ready for leaving site.
After steering the trailer out of site there was not enough room to turn around so the steersman had to steer and guide the truck 1.5 miles in reverse back up the lane to a point big enough to turn around, the empty trailer and truck was then escorted back out to the M5.